Bolbitis Heudelotti


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SKU: LAP090E Categories: , Tags: ,


Bolbitis Heudelotti is often referred to as the African Water Fern this plant likes softer water and is easy to keep. Its darker green leaves makes it stand out from other plants adding a nice contrast to the tank. It will do well in various lighting conditions. Minimal fertilizer needed. Growth rate is slow allowing maintenance to be kept to a minimum. Can be attached to driftwood or rocks. Like Java Fern do not plant the rhizome under  gravel as it has a tendency to rot. Propagation is done by slicing the rhizome in half.

Size when ordering: 3cm Terracotta Pot

Bolbitis Heudelotti;

  • Family: Lomariopsidaceae
  • Origin: Africa
  • pH: 6 – 8
  • Temperature: 18 – 30° C
  • Height: 15 cm – 45 cm
  • Lighting: Low


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