Assorted Plant Pack


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SKU: LAP0621 Categories: ,


Assorted Aquarium Plant Pack is great if you are starting up a new aquarium or adding plants to an already existing set up. The Assorted Plant Pack is a great option to try out some variety in your tank. Buy this pack and save.

Valued at $83.45 Plant Pack price $66.95

Assorted Aquarium Plant Pack Includes;

1 x Hairgrass 5cm Pot
1 x Lilaeopsis 5cm Pot
1 x Hygro. Corymbosa 3cm Terracotta Pot
1 x Milfoil Bunch
1 x Amazon Sword Medium
1 x Java Fern Small
1 x Crypt. Wendtii Tropica 3cm Terracotta Pot
1 x Pink Baby Tears Bunch
1 x Anubias Nana 3cm Terracotta Pot
1 x Mayaca Bunch Bunch


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